Murtaza Siyal
By Nazia Qureshi
In our society we see people who are popular due to their work and such people are very necessary for the indemnification of the society. Murtaza Siyal is a famous columnist and can be named among such people.
He was born on 29th June 1965 at Halani town, distract Noshero Feroz. He completed his primary education at his home town. He did masters in Journalism from University of Sindh in 1991.
He was appointed as PRO in University of Sindh in 1992, where he served for eight years. Then he was appointed as additional register for two years and also served as public administrator in University of Sindh for four years.
Mr Murtaza Siyal received many awards including All Pakistan Newspaper Society (APNS) award 2005-2006 for best columnist. Currently Murtaza Siyal is editorial in charge of Ibrat magazine since 1989.
Q: Why did you choose journalism as a profession?
A: I started writing in 1978, while I was student of class 8th. I wrote about the civic problems at Halani Town. The write up appeared in a Karachi based daily newspaper Sindh. At the time I did not had any idea about the profession. Well the first write up in print, thus encouraged and further motivated me to write. That was only the beginning. I kept writing and the journey kept progressing. Eventually I got admission at University of Sindh, did M.A in Mass Communication and then the profession was the logical outcome.
Q: Do you agree media is now free in Pakistan?
A: Freedom of media is an unending debate topic. However in Pakistan, media now enjoys substantial freedom in the Asian context if one may look back to seventies and eighties.
Q: What is concept of free media?
A: Free media looks to be an egalitarian concept. I hope you will agree that each of the perceived human freedoms ought to be watched by certain responsibilities.
Q: What are the reasons that Sindhi media is less developed than Urdu and English?
A: Media in a given language can develop in terms of size and composition of its primary audience. Given the characteristics of Sindhi society the Sindhi media seems to have developed responsively.
Q: What necessary qualities are required for a person entering media?
A: Integrity, objectivity and neutrality are necessary qualities required for a media person.
Q: What are the main qualities to write a good column?
A: Relevance, harmony as well as balance can facilitate a good column and its columnist.
Q: Do you agree all facilities are available to the journalists?
A: Your question is vague. I can just say that a professional deserves to be amply facilitated for adequately performing his/her duties.
Q: What are the responsibilities of a good PRO?
A: To promote consistently positive image of an organization.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
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