
Sunday, April 25, 2010

سنڌي ٻولي کي دفتري ٻولي واري حيثيت

By Khalid Jamali

سنڌي ٻولي کي دفتري ٻولي واري حيثيت ته گهڻو وقت اڳ ملي هئي پر اڃا تائين اُن تي عمل ٿي نه سگهيو آهي. 97 سالن تائين دفتري ۽ سرڪاري ٻولي رهندڙ سنڌي کي سنڌ جي سرڪاري آفيسن ۽ ادارن مان ڄڻ ته نيڪالي مليل آهي. 29 آگسٽ 1857ع ۾ برٽش سرڪار سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي، تعليمي ۽ سرڪاري ٻولي جو درجو ڏنو هو. 97 سالن تائين سنڌي ٻولي کي پرڳڻي ۾ دفتري ٻولي طور استعمال ڪيو ويندو رهيو. 14 آڪٽوبر 1954ع تي جڏهن ون يونٽ مڙهيو ويو ته سنڌي ٻولي کان دفتري ٻولي واري حيثيت کسجي وئي. ايوب خان جي دؤر ۾ ٻولي بابت سمورا فيصلا واپس وٺي سنڌي کي ميٽرڪ تائين لازمي ڪيو ويو. 1972ع ۾ ٻولي جي اصل حيثيت بحال ڪئي ويئي ۽ ٻولي ايڪٽ لاڳو ڪيو ويو، جنهن مطابق سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي، سرڪاري ۽ دفتري ٻولي بڻايو ويو پر اُن تي صحيح معنيٰ ۾ عمل اڄ تائين ٿي نه سگهيو آهي، جيڪا سنڌي ٻولي سان وڏي ناانصافي آهي.

وفاق جي بيورو آف ڪريڪيولم پاران فيصلو ڪيو ويو هو ته اسڪولن ۽ ڪاليجن ۾ اردو ڳالهائيندڙ شاگردن کي آسان سنڌي پڙهائي ويندي هئي جڏهن ته سنڌي ڳالهائيندڙ شاگردن کي آسان اردو پڙهائي ويندي هئي پر سنڌ جي اسڪولن ۽ ڪاليجن ۾ اُن تي به عمل نه ٿو ڪيو وڃي. ان سلسلي ۾ اسان جي سرڪار ته لاپرواهه بڻيل آهي پر اسان جا عالم، اديب، سڄاڻ ڌريون به خاموش آهن. جيڪڏهن اسان جون علمي، ادبي توڙي سياسي ڌريون اُن سلسلي ۾ ڪو آواز اٿارين ها ته شايد سنڌي ٻولي عملي طور دفتري ٻولي به بڻجي سگهي ها ۽ سنڌ جي اسڪولن ۽ ڪاليجن ۾ آسان سنڌي ۽ آسان اردو واري فارمولي تي به عمل ٿي سگهي ها.اسان جي سڄاڻ ڌرين پاران ٻولي واري معاملي تي لاتعلقي جي ڪري سنڌي ٻولي کي سندس جائز حيثيت ملي ناهي سگهي. 29 آگسٽ اهو ڏينهن هو، جنهن ڏينهن تي سنڌي ٻولي کي دفتري ٻولي واري حيثيت ملي هئي پر اُن ڏينهن تي سنڌ جي علمي، ادبي ۽ ثقافتي حلقن مان ڪنهن به ٻولي جي حوالي سان ڪا تقريب نه ڪئي هئي. گذريل سال سنڌي ادبي سنگت سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي ٻولي واري حيثيت ڏيارڻ لاءِ مهم هلائي هئي ۽ اُن سلسلي ۾ ڪانفرنسون ڪرايون، گڏجاڻيون ڪيون، ٺهراءُ منظور ڪرايا ۽ ملڪ جي صدر کي مختلف ماڻهن جي صحيحن سان ڪارڊ موڪليا ويا. سنڌي ادبي سنگت جي اُن مهم سان ڪافي جاڳرتا پيدا ٿي پر مسئلي جو حل نه نڪري سگهيو، اُن اهم مسئلي تي سنڌ جون سڀئي سڄاڻ ڌريون، عالم، اديب، استاد، شاگرد توڙي سنڌ جون سياسي پارٽيون گڏيل نموني آواز اٿارين ۽ سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي ۽ دفتري ٻولي طور رائج ٿيڻ تائين لڳاتار جدوجهد جاري رکي وڃي ته يقينن ڪاميابي حاصل ٿي سگهي ٿي. سنڌ جي اسڪولن ۽ ڪاليجن ۾ سنڌي ڳالهائيندڙ شاگردن کي به اردو (لازمي) پڙهائي وڃي ٿي اُن جو وڏو نقصان اهو ٿئي ٿو جو سنڌي شاگرد اردو ۾ اوترو هوشيار نه ٿو ٿي سگهي جيترو اردو ڳالهائيندڙ ٿئي ٿو. بورڊ جي امتحان ۾ سنڌي شاگرد اردو واري سبجيڪٽ ۾ ڌڪ کائن ٿا، جنهن جي ڪري انهن جي مجموعي نتيجي تي تمام وڏو اثر پوي ٿو. ڪجهه پرائيويٽ اسڪولن ۾ ايڏو انڌير لڳو پيو آهي جو سنڌي ٻارن کي آسان سنڌي پڙهائي وڃي ٿي، جڏهن ته آسان سنڌي اردو ڳالهائيندڙ ٻارن کي پڙهائڻ گهرجي. سنڌ جو تعليمي کاتو به اُن اهم معاملي تي ڪو ڌيان ڏيڻ لاءِ تيار ناهي. سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي ۽ دفتري ٻولي بنائڻ لاءِ اسان سڀني کي پنهنجو ڪردار ادا ڪرڻ گهرجي پر اسڪولن ۽ ڪاليجن ۾ طئه ٿيل اصول تحت سنڌي ٻارن کي آسان اردو ۽ اردو وارن ٻارن کي آسان سنڌي پڙهائڻ واري معاملي تي وڌيڪ سنجيدگي اختيار ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي. سنڌ سرڪار جي تعليم کاتي کي اُن فيصلي تي عمل ڪرائڻ لاءِ اپاءُ وٺڻ گهرجن، جيئن اسان جي ٻارڙن سان ٿيندڙ ناانصافي کي به روڪي سگهجي ۽ ساڳي وقت سنڌي ٻولي سان ٻه اکيائي وارن روين ۾ به تبديلي آڻي سگهجي. اسان مان هر ماڻهوءَ تي اهو فرض آهي ته ٻولي واري معاملي تي پنهنجي پنهنجي حصي جو ڪم ڪريون ۽ ڪو لاڀائتو ڪردار ادا ڪيون. سنڌي ادبي سنگت کي ٻولي واري مسئلي کي اجاگر ڪرڻ لاءِ ٻيهر مهم شروع ڪرڻ گهرجي. ان سلسلي ۾ نه رڳو سرڪار کي ياد ڏيارڻ جي ضرورت آهي پر سنڌ جي هر فرد کي به جاڳائڻ جي ضرورت آهي جيئن اهي هن نيڪ ۽ قومي ڪم جو سگهارو حصو بڻجي سگهن.

سنڌي ٻولي جيتري قديم، شاهوڪار، خوبصورت ۽ تاريخي آهي اوتري ئي پوئتي پيل آهي سنڌي ٻولي جي بااختيار اداري کي ڀرپور ۽ اثرائتو ڪردار ادا ڪرڻ گهرجي. سنڌي ٻولي کي قومي ۽ سنڌ جي دفتري ٻولي واري حيثيت ڏيارڻ لاءِ سنڌي ٻولي جي بااختيار اداري پاران هڪ قومي ڪانفرنس منعقد ڪرائڻ گهرجي.*

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Disability does not Obstacle Determination

By Farhan Ali Abbasi

There are myriad personalities who have achieved success and earned their names despite difficulties regarding their field's works.

Imran bhai is among successful of above mentioned people. Being disabled from both legs, he achieved success in the world of jewelry. Imran bhai was born at Hyderabad in 1980. He received his early education from Government Allama Iqbal School Hyderabad but could not continue further due to domestic problems.

As he was determined to be independent he learned skills of jewelry making. Now he has a shop on rent at Shahi bazaar and he is a jewel smith who even supplies jeweler to all cities of Pakistan.

Q. From where and how did you learn this work?

A. Having left school from primary level, I used to sit at home then one day my lovely friend Michael came and asked me that why I was sitting at home? I can do a lot. He urged me to learn this skill. Then I went to Shahi Bazaar with him and he introduced me at Haji Noshad's shop, from there I learned this work.

Q. Did you ever feel disability in your work or at home?

A. No, neither I did nor I'll do because I like to be independent rather than dependent on others. I used to go to Shahi Bazaar alone, while I learned jewelry works. I never ever felt that I need someone for support and sometime I used to go from Hyder Chok to Shahi Bazaar without any conveyance.

Q When did you commence your personal work and how?

A. I opened a gold shop on rent in 2004 at Shahi Bazaar with the help of my relatives. They helped me and on the inauguration day my teacher Haji Noshad gave me a Kalam, the most important tool in the art of making jewelry. In the beginning, the shop was quite small, but with the passage of time I was able to open another shop next to old one.

Q. Would you like to tell us how many types of ornaments are made in this work?

A. There are many types of ornaments such as polish, jhhali, jarrari, arri, castic, gold bangles, chains, necklace, bracelets and diamond pasting on other ornaments.

Q. How many workers you have trained so far?

A. I have trained four workers. All have their own shops now . One of them opened shop in Karachi and others opened at different places of Shahi Bazaar.

Q. In which cities you supply your ornaments?

A. I supply ornaments to different cities of Pakistan such as Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Sialkot, Sargodha, Bahauddin, Bahawalpur, Multan, Rahim Yar Khan, Mirpurkhas and Azad Jamu Kashmir.

Q. Does artificial jewelry affect your work?

A. No, not too much. There are some people who can not afford gold jewelry so they go towards artificial jewelry and wear them on certain occasions, but whenever there is a marriage, most people prefer gold jewelry and give it as gift to their beloved.

Q. How do you spend your leisure time?

A. I am very fond of traveling, tasting new dishes of different hotels and love to spend time with friends and family.

Q. Tell us something about your traveling?

A. Through this work, I have been able to travel to Singapore, Malaysia and Dubai in 2007 and by the grace of Allah I got honor to pay Umra.

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This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi

Miraculous Mosque

By Rahim Dad Khushk

Halani is a historic city along National Highway of Taluka Meherabpur, District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh. This city has famous Hindu temple and historic Mehrab Masjid (Mosque) of 18th century. The city was scene of historic battle between Kalhoras and Talpurs.

A delimitated Battle Graveyard could still be seen with gallows standing (Phansi ghaat). Besides Halani, there is Kandiaro and Meherabpur. As Halani is very historical city, it is given importance as old heritage of Sindh and Mehrab mosque is also on the historical assets.

Mehrab mosque was built by the Sardar Mehrab Khan Jatoi, so it is named after him.

He ordered the labor to build such mosque that has a secret chamber in it. The labor was very creative and skilled so they designed mosque with unbelievable hidden truth.

He ordered to construct two holes, one from right side and one from left side at the Mehrab where Imam stands for prayers.

These holes were indifferent from each other. The secret of those holes was to show the actual date in month of Ramadan. If there was moon of 29 days, it could be seen from hole at right side and if there was moon of 30 days then it could clearly bee seen from the hole at the left side.

So date of Eid ul Fitar could be calculated accurately with the help of these holes.

Mehrab mosque is hundred years old but the out look and appearance is very much recent. The painted work on doors and bricks gives a beautiful view but it is diminishing day by day.

More than fifty people can offer prayer at the mosque. Besides Mehrab mosque, there is a big temple, it looks very old but Mehrab mosque still looks new.

Unfortunately, Mehrab mosque is turning into dust due to negligence by the respective authorities and lack of maintenance.

Hindus come from different areas of world, where as for mosque, no one cares about this heritage.

The locals found a little gold from the clay of prison constructed there, so they thought that there might be more wealth hidden around the holes of Mehrab mosque and they dug it out in curiosity, but found nothing.

To save the Mehrab mosque, we all have to take a stern step to protect and save the heritage of Sindh.

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This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi,

Blend of Passion and Profession - By Maria Memon

Profile of Dr Asadullah Palli

By Maria Memon

Many people on this earth have hidden talents which are often unknown to others. Dr Asadullah Palli is also one of those who have hidden talents. He is known as a good neurologist but very few people know him as a research scholar in Sindhi literature.

Dr Asadullah was born at village Nabi Bux Palli in district Umerkot on November 3rd, 1957. He received his education till intermediate from Umerkot. He was a bright student. His father Muhammad Umer Palli wanted him to become a doctor as he was bright student, but he wished to become an engineer, but he respected his father's wish and got admission in M.B.B.S.

He passed his M.B.B.S in first class and then did Diploma in Clinical Neurology (D.C.N) which again he passed with flying colors and secured first position.

He had a great interest in Sindhi literature as his father was also a great Sindhi scholar and a renowned Sindhi poet who wrote 50 books among which 16 are published. He is inspired from his father and started reading Sindhi folk stories series. He still has those 12 books in his personal library.

“I have literary education from my father. He is the main figure whose training made me what I am today.”

Dr Asadullah Palli has compiled three books of his father, three of other Sindhi scholars and one is his own research paper on Sindhi language. His articles regarding Sindhi literature are published in different news papers.

“Medicine is my profession and literature is my passion, in fact it's in my blood.” He said.

He has participated in many local, national and international conferences on literature where he represented Sindhi literature. His fields of research are history of literature and poetry specially the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. He is a regular speaker in annual Bhitshah conference on Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. He also arranges a Yearly Literary Conference at his village.

As a doctor, he has worked in neurosurgery at Department of LUMHS for four years where he treated many cases.

His subjects of interest were Head Injuries and Axe Injury. In later case, most of the victims were women from villages where women are still treated as a maid. This issue persuaded him so much that he wrote a research paper on Effect of the Axe injury on Brain. This was published in medical journal of LUMHS.

Currently Dr Asadullah is working as a neuro physician, as Assistant Professor in LUMHS where he teaches anatomy and continues his research in Sindhi literature.

Addressing our social system, he remarked that we are lacking in merit justification, if we respect merit the system will be on right path. Merit justifies us about our religion and its religion which completes our system.

No doubt he is a great scholar who plays a big role in promoting our Sindhi Literature. He wants our Sindhi youth to join hands for promoting our Sindhi language and literature.

This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
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