This is practical work of writing skill of Students of Mass Communication, Sindh University ماس کمیونیکیشن ڈپارٹمنٹ، سندھ یونیورسٹی
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A true artist never leads life on barometers and calculations: Fatah Halepoto
By Beenish Abdullah
Noted artist and teacher Fatah Halepoto was born on Dec 13, 1938 at Kazi Ahmed, district Nawabshah (now Benazirabad).
His family migrated to Dadu in 1942 and settled there. In his school age, he was very fond of playing cricket and this fond snatched his one leg forever in 1956. Due to this, his studies got stopped and a series of tireless efforts began in his life.
In 1961, he came to Hyderabad for one year training at Art Teachers’ training centre Hyderabad and completed his one year training with second division.
Later he completed his education during his service. He passed matriculation in 1973 and intermediate in 1976, he did graduation in 1979 from City College, Hyderabad. He was appointed as art teacher in district Dadu in 1962.
He tried a lot to do MA but he could not due to financial problems and physical disability. He was very keen to join National College of Arts Lahore but again economic pressure and physical disability blackened his one more dream.
He also filled so many scholarship forms to go abroad for higher education but could not succeed because of his straightforward nature he never adopted flattery means to go abroad. He was called back by Art Teachers' Training Centre Hyderabad in 1972 to educate teachers. After serving this institution for a long time, he took retirement in 1998.
Since 1998, He has been working as free lance painter/artist. He got married in 1989 and has three daughters.
He has organized his several painting exhibitions at national and provincial level. He also taught at Mehran Centre of Excellence for Art and Design for some time. He has been teaching many students privately without charging any fee and has given so many big painters to Pakistan.
Fatah is not only an artist and teacher but symbol of courage which teaches us how to live with all odds.
Q: Is painting just satisfaction of aesthetic sense or can it also be used for the reformation of society?
A: Yes, definitely painting can be used for the reformation of society. I myself have used it as reformation tool. I satisfy my aesthetic sense as well but I also keep on thinking that how my skill can serve the society. Similarly I also keep in view art’s commercial aspect because it’s important. Aesthetic sense is first preference but your belly also requires food. So, both must go hand in hand. But just to paint for the sake of earning money is exploitation of art. Well, a true artist never lead life on barometers, measurements or calculations.
Q: To what extent, you are satisfied with the compensations received by the painters for their paintings in Pakistan?
A: I am adequately satisfied with the rewards received by the painters but not fully. Because if here I charge 10,000 for my one painting, then people argue that what will they do of a piece of paper by buying it for Rs10,000? Aesthetic sense is lacking here. I am not talking about those people who even can’t earn food for three times. How a hungry person can think of aesthetics? But I am talking about those who have money but they don’t have taste. Such people are just machines of making money. So in Pakistan’s big cities like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad art is very popular and hence compensations for art are also good there but not overall. So that’s why painters prefer to exhibit their paintings abroad because a painting which is hardly sold for Rs50,000 here can easily be sold in for Rs200000 in foreign countries. But nevertheless, as compared to yester times, artists in Pakistan are getting good rewards now.
Q: To what extent, a painter’s personal life and circumstances affect his imagination as well as his paintings?
A: Personal life does matter. If an artist paints something but he’s not acting upon that in his personal life then in my view that painting is useless. Painter should not have a dual personality. A genuine and true artist never betrays or hurts anyone. The respect and reverence of his creation is that his personal life must have some compatibility with his creations. If a painter's own life is very tragic then it doesn't mean that his paintings reflect tragedies only. But one must try to paint the positive lessons got from the tragedies of life because our paintings are our message to society.
Q: Is painting just a God gifted ability or can it be learned by proper training?
A: Firstly talent and then its polishing are important to become a successful painter. But everyone does not come out after becoming something from an institution. If you take a fine arts department, then everyone do not come out as leaned and skilled painter. They just study and memorize like a parrot, but they do not have a creative approach. I never try to impose my style on my students. I just give them a base on which they prepare their own buildings. I try to find out that what ability they have got regarding painting and then appreciate and polish that. That’s how painting can be learned.
Q: Do you feel that in current glamorized and fast era, admiration and attention of people towards painting has been decreased due to presence of many other sources of entertainments?
A: Yes this is fact. If we talk about current situation, boys and girls are blindly running behind glamour. Even some artists are also doing the same drama. But the artists of my age like Gul Jee never did this drama. Now youngsters are following the previous painters. But the achievement is not to become a painter, but achievement is to make your place in 1000 painters so that people wait for your creations that where is that painter's work, his paintings are always marvelous. But in my early childhood, I was very fond of painting birds, butterflies, and natural scenes. But when I became mature, then I also worked on communism. Then in my professional period, I worked on many social issues.
These days our youngsters are a in glamorization and easy going shortcuts to achieve their goals.
Q: How much are you satisfied with the work of new painters?
A: I am very much satisfied with the work of new painters. Not all painters, but some are really doing quality work. I admit, the standard of my students' work is higher than me. I won't say that I was the king and others are pawns. Society always keeps on changing and searching for the new ones. But majority try to walk on easy paths. They don't practice and work hard. Now they are busy in chatting on cell phones all the time.
Q: Do you feel that Media has been giving proper and required coverage to the field of painting like other fields of art?
A: media is covering field of painting but not as much as it should. Especially in past, media use to highlight only those painters, who use to feed media. I personally have suffered from this approach of media. Once, my exhibition was not covered by national media as I did not have enough money. Although situation is better now but still this defect is prevailing here somehow.
Q: What role can media play in widening the scope of paining in Pakistan?
A: Media can play an outstanding role in this regard if it’s true and objective. It can change the fate of a person. Now a day, world is completely moving on media’s information. Whoever denies the importance and strength of media, he is a fool. But approach to media is conditioned with money or friendships with media’s people. So this is a bitter fact that there are some charges of coming at media’s forefront.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Fatah Halepoto,
issue 11.weekly roshni,
Sohail Sangi
Friday, April 9, 2010
Maut Dehn Wathi Vinder Mitho Zahar
Drugs....Slow Poison
Article By: Bilqees Fatima

This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Also visit
Article By: Bilqees Fatima
نشو هڪ اهڙو مٺو زهر آهي، جيڪو انسان کي اندران اُڏوهي جيان کائي کوکلو ڪري ڇڏي ٿو. چوندا آهن ته ڪنهن قوم جي وجود کي ختم ڪرڻو هجي ته ان جي تعليم کسي ان کي نشي جهڙي لعنت ۾ مبتلا ڪري ڇڏيو، اسان جي ملڪ ۾ به نشي جو واهپو تمام گهڻو ٿي چڪو آهي، خاص ڪري سنڌ جون موجوده حالتون به ائين ئي ٿي چڪيون آهن، تعليم جي تباهي سان گڏ اسان جي سماج اندر نشي جو واهپو تمام خطرناڪ حد تائين پهچي چڪو آهي.
سنڌ جي اندر خاص ڪري 1980ع کان پوءِ ڪلاشنڪوف ڪلچر ۽ هيروئن کي هٿي ڏني وئي، توهان سنڌ جي ڪنهن وڏي شهر ۾ وڃو يا ٻهراڙين ۾ وڃو، توهان کي نشي جو واهپو تمام گهڻي حد تائين ڏسڻ ۾ ايندو، خاص ڪري هيروئن جي اچڻ کانپوءِ ڪئين خاندانن جا نوجوان نشي جي واهپي سبب تباهه ٿي ويا، توهان اڪثر شهرن جي چوراهن ۽ ڪچرن جي ڍيرن تي سري عام هيروئن جو استعمال ڪندي ماڻهن کي ڏسي سگهو ٿا، پر حڪومت جي ايڏي ته بيحسي آهي، جو انهن کي ڪير به روڪڻ وارو ناهي، نه ئي انهن جو علاج ڪرايو وڃي ٿو.
سنڌ جي اندر خاص ڪري هيروئن جي استعمال سبب ڪيترن ئي مائن جون جهوليون خالي ٿي چڪيون آهن، ڪيترائي نوجوان هيروئن جي سبب تڙپي تڙپي موت جي ور چڙهي وڃن ٿا. انهن سان گڏ انهن جا گهر ڀاتي به تمام گهڻو ڀوڳين ٿا. ڇو جو هيروئن وقت تي نه ملڻ تي هيروئني پنهنجورت کپائڻ سان گڏ گهر، پاڙي وارن جي چوري ڪرڻ گڏ شهرن ۾ پنڻ کان به نه مڙندا آهن. جنهن جي ڪري انهن جا خاندان به معاشري ۾ ذهني طرح تمام ڀوڳين ٿا. انهن سڀني متاثر ماڻهن کي ان موضي مرض مان ڇوٽڪارو ڏياري سگهجي ٿو، ان لاءِ حڪومت کي سخت قدم کڻڻا پوندا.
سڀني نشي وارين شين جي وڪري ۽ رسد تي مڪمل ضابطو آڻجي. جيڪي ماڻهو نشو واپرائين ٿا انهن کي نشي جي تباهه ڪارين کان واقف ڪيو وڃي، انهن جي ذهنن جو برين واش ڪري سٺي طرح علاج ڪري، سٺي ۽ باعزت شهري بنائڻ جي ترغيب ڏني وڃي، جيئن هو پنهنجي انمول زندگي سٺي طرح گذارين، ائين عملي قدم سان ڪيتريون ئي زندگيون بچائي سگهجن ٿيون، ونين جا سهاڳ مائرن جون جهوليون خالي ٿيڻ کان بچي وينديون، ان لاءِ حڪومت کانسواءِ معاشري جو هر لکيل پڙهيل فرد به پنهنجو ڪردار ادا ڪري سگهي ٿو.*
سنڌ جي اندر خاص ڪري 1980ع کان پوءِ ڪلاشنڪوف ڪلچر ۽ هيروئن کي هٿي ڏني وئي، توهان سنڌ جي ڪنهن وڏي شهر ۾ وڃو يا ٻهراڙين ۾ وڃو، توهان کي نشي جو واهپو تمام گهڻي حد تائين ڏسڻ ۾ ايندو، خاص ڪري هيروئن جي اچڻ کانپوءِ ڪئين خاندانن جا نوجوان نشي جي واهپي سبب تباهه ٿي ويا، توهان اڪثر شهرن جي چوراهن ۽ ڪچرن جي ڍيرن تي سري عام هيروئن جو استعمال ڪندي ماڻهن کي ڏسي سگهو ٿا، پر حڪومت جي ايڏي ته بيحسي آهي، جو انهن کي ڪير به روڪڻ وارو ناهي، نه ئي انهن جو علاج ڪرايو وڃي ٿو.
سنڌ جي اندر خاص ڪري هيروئن جي استعمال سبب ڪيترن ئي مائن جون جهوليون خالي ٿي چڪيون آهن، ڪيترائي نوجوان هيروئن جي سبب تڙپي تڙپي موت جي ور چڙهي وڃن ٿا. انهن سان گڏ انهن جا گهر ڀاتي به تمام گهڻو ڀوڳين ٿا. ڇو جو هيروئن وقت تي نه ملڻ تي هيروئني پنهنجورت کپائڻ سان گڏ گهر، پاڙي وارن جي چوري ڪرڻ گڏ شهرن ۾ پنڻ کان به نه مڙندا آهن. جنهن جي ڪري انهن جا خاندان به معاشري ۾ ذهني طرح تمام ڀوڳين ٿا. انهن سڀني متاثر ماڻهن کي ان موضي مرض مان ڇوٽڪارو ڏياري سگهجي ٿو، ان لاءِ حڪومت کي سخت قدم کڻڻا پوندا.
سڀني نشي وارين شين جي وڪري ۽ رسد تي مڪمل ضابطو آڻجي. جيڪي ماڻهو نشو واپرائين ٿا انهن کي نشي جي تباهه ڪارين کان واقف ڪيو وڃي، انهن جي ذهنن جو برين واش ڪري سٺي طرح علاج ڪري، سٺي ۽ باعزت شهري بنائڻ جي ترغيب ڏني وڃي، جيئن هو پنهنجي انمول زندگي سٺي طرح گذارين، ائين عملي قدم سان ڪيتريون ئي زندگيون بچائي سگهجن ٿيون، ونين جا سهاڳ مائرن جون جهوليون خالي ٿيڻ کان بچي وينديون، ان لاءِ حڪومت کانسواءِ معاشري جو هر لکيل پڙهيل فرد به پنهنجو ڪردار ادا ڪري سگهي ٿو.*
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
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Sindh ja Sardar ain Baradari Jhera

Article by: Riaz Ali
جيئن ٽوپي ۽ اجرڪ سنڌ جي ثقافت جو حصو آهن، تيئن ئي سنڌ جا سردار به سنڌ جي ثقافت ۾ اهم ڪردار ادا ڪري رهيا آهن، سنڌ ۾ مختلف برادريون رهن ٿيون، هر هڪ برادري کي پنهنجو الڳ اڳواڻ يا سردار آهي ته جيئن جيڪي مسئلا ٿين ٿا انهن مسئلن کي حل ڪرائي ۽ جيڪڏهن ان برادري جو ڪنهن ٻي برادري سان تڪرار يا اختلاف ٿئي ته هو پنهنجي برادري جي اڳواڻي ڪري ۽ ٻي برادري سان صلح ڪرائي.
اڳئين زماني ۾ سردار پنهنجي قوم جي عزت رکڻ خاطر پنهنجي جان به قربان ڪري ڇڏيندا هئا، جيڪڏهن ان جي برادري سان ڪا واردات، ٿيندي هئي ته ان جو ازالو ٿيندو هو، ان جي ڪري اڳئين زماني ۾ هر ڪنهن جي عزت، جان ۽ مال حفاظت ۾ هوندا هئا.
اڳئين زماني ۾ جيڪڏهن ڪنهن جو قتل ٿيندو هو، ته هوءَ ٻي ڌر کي بدلو وٺڻ کان روڪيندا هئا ۽ چڱي طرح جاچ پڙتال ڪري صلح ڪرائيندا هئا ۽ معاملي کي ٺاري ٻنهي ڌرين کي پاڻ ۾ کير کنڊ ڪندا هئا، جيڪڏهن اڃا به ڪا ڌر ان ٺاهه تي راضي نه ٿيندي هئي ته پوءِ اهي سردار پنهنجي ذاتي ملڪيت خرچ ڪري ان ڌر کي راضي ڪري وٺندا هئا، ۽ ائين هوءَ پنهنجي برادري کي ڪنهن وڏي تباهي ٿيڻ کان بچائي وٺندا هئا.
سردار ڏسندا هئا ته جيڪڏهن ان جي برادري ۾ ڪي غريب ماڻهو هوندا هئا، ته هوءَ انهن غريب ماڻهن جي ڏکئي وقت ۾ سهارو بڻجندا هئا، ان جي ڪري ئي ماڻهو پنهنجي سردارن سان محبت ڪندا هئا ۽ سردارن تي سِر به گهوري ڇڏيندا هئا.
پر اڄ جا سردار ظالماڻي سوچ رکن ٿا جيڪي پنهنجي برادري جي ترقي ۽ خوشحالي کي نه ٿا ڏسن.
انهن کي صرف پنهنجا مفاد عزيز آهن، اڄ جا سردار پنهنجا مفاد حاصل ڪرڻ خاطر ڪجهه به ڪرڻ لاءِ تيار ٿي ويندا آهن، پوءِ ڇو نه ڀلي انهن کي پنهنجي برادري کي پاڻ ۾ ويڙهائڻو پوي، انهن جي چوري ڪرائڻي پوي يا کڻي ڪنهن جو قتل ڪرائڻو پوي. هو اهڙي ڪمن ۾ ڪنهن ڳالهه جي پرواهه نه ڪندا آهن، شايد اهو سڀ انهيءَ ڪري ڪن ٿا جو انهن جي دلين مان انسانيت ختم ٿي چڪي آهي، جيڪي معصوم نياڻين جي جذبات جو خيال نه ٿا رکن، هوءَ پندرهن سالن جي معصوم نياڻين کي 60 سالن جي پوڙهن سان پرڻائي ڇڏين ٿا ۽ انهن جي خوابن جهڙي دنيا کي اجاڙي جهنم جهڙي زندگي ڏانهن موڪلي ڇڏين ٿا.
اڄ جا سردار تمام ننڍي سوچ رکندڙ، انهن کان ڪنهن غريب ماڻهو جي ترقي برداشت نه ٿي ٿئي، انهن جو اهوئي خيال هوندو آهي ته سڀاڻي ڪو غريب ماڻهو اسان جي سامهون نه اٿي بيهي. انهن جو پهريون قدم اهو هوندو آهي ته هو پنهنجي علائقي جي اسڪولن کي يا ته بند ڪرائي ڇڏيندا آهن، يا پنهنجون اوطاقون بڻائي ڇڏيندا آهن، ته جيئن علائقي جا ماڻهو تعليم حاصل نه ڪري سگهن ۽ انهن جي غلامي ڪندا رهن.
اڄ اسان جي هن پياري امن واري سنڌ ڌرتي تي جيڪي قبائلي تڪرار ٿي رهيا آهن انهن کي وڌائڻ ۾ سردارن جو وڏو هٿ آهي، بلڪه ائين کڻي چئجي ته اهي قبائلي تڪرار پيدا ئي سردار جي ڪري ٿين ٿا. جڏهن به ڪي ٻه ڌريون قبائلي تڪرار ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ راضي ٿينديون آهن ته سردار پنهنجا ماڻهو موڪلي انهن مان ڪنهن هڪ ڌُر کي ڀڙڪائيندا آهن يا وري ڪنهن هڪ ڌُر جو ماڻهو قتل ڪرائي الزام ٻي ڌر تي هڻائي ڇڏيندا آهن، انهن سردارن جي ڪري ئي قبائلي تڪرار اڄ تائين ختم نه ٿي سگهيا آهن. ۽ ڏينهون ڏينهن اهي تڪرار پيچيدا مسئلو بڻجندا ٿا وڃن، انهن تڪرارن جي ڪري ڪيتريون ئي جانيون ضايع ٿي رهيون آهن، ڪيترائي ٻار يتيم ٿي رهيا آهن، ڪيتريون ئي عورتون بيواهه ٿي رهيون آهن ۽ ڪيترا ئي گهر اجڙي رهيا آهن.
قبائلي تڪرارن کان علاوه اغوا، وارداتون، ڦرون، چوري، ڌاڙا ۽ ڪاروڪاري جهڙي فضول رسم ۾ سردارن جو وڏو هٿ آهي.
اهو سڀ ڪجهه آخر ڪيستائين هلندو رهندو؟ هن سهڻي سنڌ تي آخر ڪڏهن امن قائم ٿي سگهندو؟ آخر ان جو حل ڇا آهي؟ ڀٽائي رحه جي هن بيت وانگر مان صرف دعا ئي ڪري سگهان ٿو.
”سائينم سدائين، ڪرين مٿي سنڌ سُڪار،
دوست مٺا دلدار، عالم سڀ آباد ڪرين.“*
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
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Jacobabad Tower

سنڌ جي ھيٺين علائقي ۾ موجود ھن گهنٽا گهر کي تاريخي اهميت حاصل آهي. انگريزن جي دور ۾ ٺهيل ھن عمارت کي تاريخ جا 163 سال گذري چڪا آھن، پوءِ به ھي عمارت ساڳيءَ جڳھ تي موجود آھي ۽ِ ھن جي حيثيت به ھڪ الڳ نموني سان ضروري آھي ڇو ته دنيا ۾ تارِيخي جاين يا ماڳن جو ھئڻ ئي ان لاءِ آھي ته نئين دور جي نسل انھن آثار قديمن کي ڏسي ڪجھ سکي ۽ حاصل ڪري سگھن، جھڙي طرح پوري دنيا ۾ ھزارين اھڙا ماڳ مثال آھن جن کي تاريخ ۾تمام بھترين طريقي سان ورجايو وڃي ٿو ۽ اھڙن حيرت انگيز ماڳن کي ڏسي انساني دماغ دنگ رھجي وڃن ٿا ته ڪنھن وقت کان ھنن جو به ھن تيز ترين ھلندڙ دنيا سان ڪو لاڳاپو اھڙي طرح سان جڙي ويندو جو ھلندڙ دور انهن کي تاريخن ۾ ورجايو ويندو ته سوين سال پھرين ھت ھي ھوندو ھو ۽ ان وقت ۾شايد ئي اسان موجود نه ھونداسين پر اسان کان پوءِ اسان ڳنڊيل ھر ھڪ شيءِ تاريخن جا ورڪ بڻجي ويندي جھڙي طرح اسان گذريل تاريخن کي ڏسي پڙھون ۽سمجھون ٿا.
ھن عمارت جو سنگ بنياد رکندڙ برگيڊيئر جنرل جان جيڪب ھو جنھن جي پيدائش 11 جنوري 1812ع ۾ ولا ونگٽن جي ملڪ سمرسٽ انگلينڊ ۾ ٿي، ھن پنھنجي ابتدائي تعليم پنھجي والد کان پرائي، پوءِ ھن ڪميشن پاس ڪري 1828ع ۾ انگلينڊ کان نڪتا ۽ ٻيھر واپس ڪڏھن به انگلينڊ نه وڃي سگھيو، ھن انڊيا کان ھلي اچي پاڪستان جي سنڌ جي علائقي جي ڳوٺ خان ڳڙھ ۾ پھتا ۽ اتي پنھنجو ٺڪاڻو اڏايائون ۽ ان کان پوءِ ھتي جنرل جان جيڪب جي اچڻ کان پوءِ ئي خان ڳڙھ جو نالو جيڪب آباد پيو ۽ اتي ھنن گھنٽا گھر جو بنياد رکيو ۽ سندن نالو ”وڪٽوريا ٽاور“ رکيائون جيڪو ھنن راڻي وڪٽوريا جي ياد ۾ اڏرايو. ھي ٽاور پوري شھر جي وچ تي اڏيل آھي جنھن کي شھر جي دل ڪري به سڏيو وڃي ٿو. ھن کي ٺاھڻ ۾ سيمينٽ جي جڳھ تي چوني ۽ مٽي جو استعمال ڪيو ويو جنھن جي سبب ھي عمارت تمام مضبوط آھي. ڪيترائي سال گذرڻ باوجود ھي عمارت اڄ به شھر جي وچ ۾ مضبوطي سان اڏيل آھي.
ھن وقت ان موجود تاريخي ماڳ جي اھڙي حالت آھي جو ان کي ڪو ماڻھو ڏسڻ به پسند ڪونه ٿو ڪري ڇاڪاڻ ته ھاڻ ان ٽاور جي چؤطرف سبزي مارڪيٽ ۽ فروٽ مارڪيٽ اڏجي وئي آھي ۽ جنهن جي ڪري اُتي سبزي ۽ فروٽ جو تمام گھڻو گند ڪچرو جمع ٿئي ٿو، صبح جي وقت ٻھراڙي جي ماڻھن جي تمام گھڻي رش ٿئي ٿي، ان جاءِ تي پير رکڻ جي جاءِ به ڪونه ٿي ملي، جڏھن صبح جو وقت ٿئي ٿو ته آس پاس جا ٻروچ اچي جمع ٿين ٿا ۽ سڄو ڏينھن اتي انھن جي رش ٿئي ٿي ڇاڪاڻ ته ٽاور جي ڀرسان ھڪ ڍڪيل بازار به ٺھيل آھي جتي اڪثر ڪري بلوچ خريداري ڪندي گهڻو نظر ايندا آهن. ان بازار ۾ انھن جي ضرورت جي ھرشيءِ موجود ھجي ٿي تنھن ڪري ٽاور جي چوڌاري تمام گهڻو ميلو متل رهي ٿو ۽ مٿان وري گڏھ گاڏن جي سواري پوءِ پورو شھر پيو اُٻري ماڻھو ھڪڙا اچن ٿا ته ٻيا وڃن ٿا، سبزي ۽ فروٽ جي گندگي سبب شھر جا رولاڪ جانور به اچن ٿا اتي خراب فروٽ کائڻ لاء جيڪو فالتو ڪري اڇلايو وڃي ٿو.
ان ڪري ھاڻ اھو گھنٽا گھر وڪٽوريا ٽاور نه پر گڏھن جي پڙي ۽سبزي منڊي جي شڪل ۾ تبديل ٿي ويئي آھي ان عظيم الشِان پراڻي ۽ قديم ماڳ جي چڱي طرح سنڀال نه پئي ڪئي وڃي، ٿي سگھي ٿو ته اڳتي ھلي اسان کي ھن تاريخي ماڳ کان ھٿ ڌوئڻو پوي ڇو ته جنهن شيءِ جي مالڪي يا وارثي نه هوندي آهي. اها بيڪار ٿي پوندي آهي پوءِ اها ڊھڻ ۽ ڪِرڻ شروع تي ويندي آھي ۽ ڪافي پراڻين ماڳن جيان اتي ختم ٿي ويندي آھي جئين اُتي ڪجھ به موجود نه ھو.
اھڙي طرح سنڌ جي حڪومت کي پنهنجي سنڌ جي مختلف شھرن ۾ اڏيل قديم آثارن ۽ جڳھن جي چڱي طرح خيال رکڻ گھرجي ۽ انھن کي ايندڙ نسلن لاءِ ھڪ مثال طور بچايو وڃي ته جيئن نئين نسل پنھنجي پراڻي ۽ قديم زماني جي ريتن رسمن ۽ رھائش کان چڱي طرح واقف ٿئي. ۽ ڪجھ سبق حاصل ڪري سگهي.*
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Also visit
issue No 11,
khalid mirani,
sindhi feature,
Sohail Sangi,
Victoria Tower
Education system in Sindh

Education system in Sindh
By Kaleemullah Kalhoro
In today's world, education is not what it is supposed to be. I think that we should first look over the main aim of education before giving any statement on this topic. As I take it, the education is meant to serve many purposes. It should enable the student to look the world in a different perspective than just living in it.
Education is preparing a person to face everyday life problems. It changes our personality and way of talking and education helps us to live in this world and to understand it. This is only education which enables you to give your opinion. Think, if u didn't go to school, could you criticize your education system? I think that life without education is a waste in today's world.
If you notice, half of what we learn in school isn't needed at all. The education system in Sindh puts more emphasis on the theoretical knowledge than the practical. A student from the very beginning of education is forced to copy up the things rather than to understand the thoughts.
Our education system has been under the curse of cramming where memorizing has more importance than understanding. In the higher studies as we know the condition is the same. Instead of acquiring school education, they are simply learning cramming by copying the answers and writing the same in their exams.
Today all the educated, moneymaking parents want to give their child best education for that they go to popular schools but they never check teacher who gives education. We believe that modern education system is very efficient. A child is sent to school only at the age of four where his teachers give him moral education. Moral education is all about making a human being understand what type of education is best for him and for the society.
Higher education in Sindh is broke, where students are given importance on neither theories nor practical education, so they lack the actual knowledge. Today we give more importance on theoretical education than practical. We simply memorize the text we are provided and copy that as it is in the examinations just to gain marks.
Presently we are loosing our education quality level because of some reasons; I personally feel that the money-makers (private schools) are the vital reason to loose our quality of education because they provide education only affordable for the rich, but not to our poor people. In Sindh there is a lot of number of unregistered private schools which only made for money-making. There are approximately 1543 unregistered private schools operating in Sindh.
According to Senior Minister for Education Pir Mazharul Haq that 9,122 registered and 1,543 unregistered private schools are operating in Sindh province. there are 5,359 registered and 563 unregistered schools in Karachi; 878 registered and 336 unregistered in Hyderabad; 222 registered and 25 unregistered in Sukkur; 307 registered and 56 unregistered in Mirpurkhas; 441 registered and 65 unregistered in Khairpur; 140 registered and 67 unregistered in Larkana; 217 registered and 35 unregistered in Benazirabad (Nawabshah); 192 registered and 62 unregistered in Ghotki; 128 registered and 31 unregistered in Jamshoro; 131 registered and 24 unregistered in N. Feroze; 107 registered and 34 unregistered in Dadu; 132 registered and 27 unregistered in Badin; 201 registered and 32 unregistered in Sanghar; 94 registered and 15 unregistered in Thatta; 39 registered and eight unregistered in Matiari; 42 registered and seven unregistered in Tando Muhammad Khan; 79 registered and 16 unregistered in Tando Allahyar; 79 registered and 44 unregistered in Umerkot; 79 registered and 16 unregistered in Mithi; 60 registered and 10 unregistered in Kambar, Shahdadkot; 63 registered and 30 unregistered in Shikarpur; 67 registered and nine unregistered in Jacobabad; 65 registered and 31 unregistered in Kashmore, Kandhkot.
The system has to be changed according to the age groups of students. The primary students are given very much burden in many schools. The education should give them the proper course structure which should be a must in all schools. This has to change right from primary education to graduation levels.
The system of examinations has to be changed by all admissions given by money power so poor who have good marks did not get admission in their choice of study. Education is the most fundamental factor of one's social and economic success in life. Learning in school makes us to know how to interact with different people of society. This not only helps in our career growth.
Government should support those people who are talented, and government should support them working for the society. Our government should adopt the learning techniques which are useful for the children in this competitive world, government must work on those things before it gets too late.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Also visit
Kaleemullah Kalhoro,
Sohail Sangi
A Man of Unparalleled Intellect, Mohammad Ismail Malik

A Man of Unparalleled Intellect, Mohammad Ismail Malik
By Khalid Moazam Shah
The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself.
The almighty Allah has created man with many abilities. Everyone contributes according to his talents, efficiencies, capabilities and achieves goals.
Some proved their identity as scientists while some as engineers, doctors, lawyers, educationists, journalists and writers.
Mohammad Ismail Malik is a writer and journalist. He is famous through his literary name Zahid Malik. He was born on 22 September, 1961 in a small village Faiz Malik of district Dadu. He received his primary education from his village, matriculation from High School of Dadu and did intermediate from Government Degree College Dadu. After that he did M.A in Journalism from Sindh University Jamshoro.
Being a writer he commenced his career by writing children stories from 1973 but these stories were published in 1978. He also did poetry to some extent till 1985 and wrote about 200 verses of poetry.
The most dignified thing for him in poetry was that he had been guided by Ustad Allah Nawaz and encouraged by distinguished poet of Sindh, Ustad Bukhari. He didn't limit himself to literary activities but also participated in many cultural programs. This is evident from his dramas when he started his career as actor and dramatist from Radio Pakistan Khairpur and produced more than 10 dramas, highly liked by people.
His first stage drama was “Waido”. He proved himself as a best actor of stage drama and won award and a certificate from Sindhi Express Forum. His best stage dramas included Waido, Piyar jee Manzil, Tree te Behisht, Begum Ho Jamalo and more.
He also got popularity from his weekly feature written on children since 1988. He is connected with Radio Pakistan Hyderabad where he recorded many dramas.
Being a multi dimensional personality, he also entered in the field of journalism. He worked in daily Khadim-e-Watan as sub editor in 1990. He proved himself by achieving award and a certificate from a social organization Peoples Log.
Six hundred articles and columns have been published in different magazines as yet, in addition to all these things he has written some books namely Role of Dadu in M.R.D movement, Sindhi Knowledge and proverbs newspapers.
Currently Mohammad Ismail Malik is working in Daily Sham. His message for youth is “work hard with commitment because if you do so, there would be no difficulty to obstacle your destination”. -
Roshni Issue No 11,
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi. Also visit
Ismail Malik,
Khalid Moazam,
Sohail Sangi,
Weekly Roshni
Poetry represents the Nature's Truism: Naseer Mirza

Poetry represents the Nature's Truism: Naseer Mirza
By Haider Ali
There are many people in the world but some are known due to their particular character, identity, personality and ability. They win hearts of millions through their work and sincerity. Among them is Naseer Mirza, who is a good poet, compere and a bibliophile.
He was born on July 20th, 1955 in a well established family of Nasir Mirza, former DSP. Naseer Mirza got his early education from Training College for Men at Hyderabad and did intermediate from Muslim Science College Hyderabad.
After that he did Bachelors from Sachal College Hyderabad and Masters in Mass Communication from University of Sindh Jamshoro in 1981.
Currently he is serving as a producer at Radio Pakistan Hyderabad.
Q. What is poetry and can a common man do it?
A. Poetry represents the Nature's Truism. It is a God gifted art that every man can't do. It conveys the message of love and brotherhood.
Q. When did you start poetry?
A. I started poetry in 1979 and my first verses were
Sukh jo saah natho sambhran dost
Maa jenh deenh khan bewah thi aahe
Q. How did you take interest in compereing?
A. I had no interest in compereing but my teacher Johar Hussain urged me to do this at a program in 1979 and Sheikh Ayaz was chief guest of that program.
Q. Which factors count for good compereing?
A. A good and clear voice, present mind and capability to form sentences count much for good compereing.
Q. Which is your favorite book?
A. Aag ka Daria and Gardish rang chaman are my favorite books.
Q. Who is your best friend?
A. Mr Tariq Alam Abro is my best friend, who is always with me in sorrows and joy.
Q. Who is your ideal personality?
A. My ideal personality is my mother and among others Ustad Sheikh Ayaz is my ideal and every thing that I am today is just because of him.
Q. Which is your memorable day of life?
A. The memorable day of my life is my mother's seclusion from this mortal world.
Q. How many books did you write?
A. I have written five books as yet they are Thee na Saghius Shaer, Khushboo sans, Dharti ja Nala, Safar man and kheme me shaam.
Q. How many awards were you honored?
A. I got award on the book “Safar main Andar” but now my heart doesn't want to recieve any award.
Q. Who are your favourite poets that you read most?
A. My favorite poets are Shiekh Ayaz, Imdad Hussaini and Hassan Dars.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Haider Ali,
issue 11,
Naseer Mirza,
Sohail Sangi,
Weekly Roshni,
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Social Asset
By Himat Ali Khunharo
Abdul Rashid Ahmed Kolachi was born in 1968 at Kolachi village, situated five kilometers away from Mehar, district Dadu. He got primary and secondary education from Mehar. He was very intelligent in class so teachers loved him and always guided him. He passed Intermediate from Degree College Mehar. He did three years diploma in engineering from Dadu and came back to village.
His village was full of ignorant people and there was no any good school from where children could acquire education so he started work to educate people of his village. In this age of materialistic aims and motives, where people are so selfish, there he sacrificed all luxuries of life and worked day in and day out for the promotion of education because he did not want to see his coming generations as ignorant.
This struggle continued for three years and he requested to the government that we need a middle school. Government accepted the request of Abdul Rashid Ahmed Kolachi and established middle school at Kolachi village. Now children at village can get education easily.
Two years later, he started efforts for hospital but government did not gave any positive response then he stressed upon Mr Iiaquat Ali Khan Jatoi who was Federal Prime Minister of Pakistan at that time. Abdul Rasheed donated his personal property land for hospital at Kolachi village and now days hundreds of poor are being treated there free of cost.
He further involved in social welfare and opened a training center for widows to sew the clothes and sustain their lives.
Many widows earn their living and fulfill domestic needs of family. He also built a mosque at his village where children recite Holy Quran. Presently he serves as Pesh Imam of Mosque. He is recognized as a great name of Kolachi because he devoted his life for others and is best among us, who live for others.
As genius is not great but honest person is great in this world, and those persons create a place in heart of everyone. If every man thinks like Abdul Rashid Ahmed Kolachi then our social conditions would not remain as they are today. Very few persons in this world think like him.
At evening, he helps his father to sell flour.
Now Kolachi village is recognized by him and his father's name. I asked him how you feel when you help poor. He answered, I feel relax when I fulfill the needs of people.
Abdul Rashid is a great person. He sacrificed his life for villagers. Man can die but his work and contribution in society will always be remembered. Abdul Rashid Ahmed is a great example for us.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
Weekly Roshni --
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Let Us Choose

Let us choose
By Farah Naz
What is this Ali? How many times will you get bad marks in your exams? You know your father has spent a lot on your admission in medical college. He will be very angry to see your reluctant performance.
Ali who was sitting quite and disappointed by his result told his mother that he was not interested in the filed of medicines. He wanted to take admission in arts but his father forced him that is why he had to take admission, but still, He is not able to digest that field. His class performance is also dull and he is not sure, whether he can continue it or not.
Such issue is very common in student life of our youth and every second student is victim of same problem.
It is assumed that some financial problem could be the reason for a student which compels him towards that walk of life where he does not feel fit. We know that future of any country depends on its youth. If her youth are mentally and physically sound, the future of country would be bright.
Now a days, youth is under great stress and unable to choose the field of studies according to their aptitude. Right of parents to decide the career of their child sometimes disturbs his mind. Choosing a career is a process that is based on a number of factors including interests, skills, work related values and personality. Where as, now a days, parents pressurize their children to go in the field of medicine, judiciary etc.
As a matter of fact, pressure of parents is mostly observed when children pass their matriculation examination. Parents who belong to medical field always want their children to take pre-medical subjects in intermediate classes.
This practice is very wrong. Students must be given a chance to recognize their aptitudes and select the field of career they feel eligible enough to join. Merely to fulfill one's own dream, parents should not take fast and hard decision to choose the subject of study for their children.
Different people enjoy different things and the job should be something which we love to do. If not, then we are definitely in the wrong field.
Parents should not be choosing their child's career because something they like could be something the child absolutely hates. I firmly stand by the belief that no one has the right to tell you how to live your life, and if we to stick to that, then everyone should be able to choose their life path.
Parents should suggest their opinion but final decision should be left with the children. Forcible decisions of parents can lead a child towards failures in future.
Smart parents are aware of the interests and inclinations of their children. The best thing they can do is simply enhance these interests by making suggestions and giving guidance. If the children are determined to pursue their own interest, parents have no choice but to give in to avoid blame later on.
In this computer age, the youth is probably more informed than their parents, so they should always be ready to discuss with them.
The main factors to consider in deciding a child's course in college are his academic achievements and functional performance, his preferred course, future employment opportunities and the financial capability of parents to support the child through college.
Some factors are in the domain of the child, others are in the domain of the parents. It is therefore imperative that both parents and child talk it out. It should be a consensus. But last decision should be that which child wants or required for him then he/she can better explore themselves.
Also visit
academic marks,
farah naz,
imposing parents,
issue 10,
let us choose,
Weekly Roshni
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Mushrooming of private TV channels
Media in Pakistan has grown after mushrooming of private TV channels and we have seen number of journalists becoming analysts, hosts and opinion-makers, making and breaking public image of their followers. On the other hand, cyber space has been getting populated in our country since last few years as people started to get into blogging and making their mark by commenting and participating in discussions. The word “Breaking news” remains the hero of print, cyber or electronic media. A race to break the news sometimes distorts the ethics of journalism but as they say “jo dikhta hai wo bikta hai”, so it has become an industry now. Columnists like Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi, Shahid Masood, Talat Hussain, Nazir Naji,and many others got recognition and fame from electronic media. Cyber Media has also started to developed readership of die-hard followers, reading and commenting on blogs and websites. Thus, the world of news and journalism modernized at very high-speed.
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