Let us choose
By Farah Naz
What is this Ali? How many times will you get bad marks in your exams? You know your father has spent a lot on your admission in medical college. He will be very angry to see your reluctant performance.
Ali who was sitting quite and disappointed by his result told his mother that he was not interested in the filed of medicines. He wanted to take admission in arts but his father forced him that is why he had to take admission, but still, He is not able to digest that field. His class performance is also dull and he is not sure, whether he can continue it or not.
Such issue is very common in student life of our youth and every second student is victim of same problem.
It is assumed that some financial problem could be the reason for a student which compels him towards that walk of life where he does not feel fit. We know that future of any country depends on its youth. If her youth are mentally and physically sound, the future of country would be bright.
Now a days, youth is under great stress and unable to choose the field of studies according to their aptitude. Right of parents to decide the career of their child sometimes disturbs his mind. Choosing a career is a process that is based on a number of factors including interests, skills, work related values and personality. Where as, now a days, parents pressurize their children to go in the field of medicine, judiciary etc.
As a matter of fact, pressure of parents is mostly observed when children pass their matriculation examination. Parents who belong to medical field always want their children to take pre-medical subjects in intermediate classes.
This practice is very wrong. Students must be given a chance to recognize their aptitudes and select the field of career they feel eligible enough to join. Merely to fulfill one's own dream, parents should not take fast and hard decision to choose the subject of study for their children.
Different people enjoy different things and the job should be something which we love to do. If not, then we are definitely in the wrong field.
Parents should not be choosing their child's career because something they like could be something the child absolutely hates. I firmly stand by the belief that no one has the right to tell you how to live your life, and if we to stick to that, then everyone should be able to choose their life path.
Parents should suggest their opinion but final decision should be left with the children. Forcible decisions of parents can lead a child towards failures in future.
Smart parents are aware of the interests and inclinations of their children. The best thing they can do is simply enhance these interests by making suggestions and giving guidance. If the children are determined to pursue their own interest, parents have no choice but to give in to avoid blame later on.
In this computer age, the youth is probably more informed than their parents, so they should always be ready to discuss with them.
The main factors to consider in deciding a child's course in college are his academic achievements and functional performance, his preferred course, future employment opportunities and the financial capability of parents to support the child through college.
Some factors are in the domain of the child, others are in the domain of the parents. It is therefore imperative that both parents and child talk it out. It should be a consensus. But last decision should be that which child wants or required for him then he/she can better explore themselves.
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