By Rahim Dad Khushk
Halani is a historic city along National Highway of Taluka Meherabpur, District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh. This city has famous Hindu temple and historic Mehrab Masjid (Mosque) of 18th century. The city was scene of historic battle between Kalhoras and Talpurs.
A delimitated Battle Graveyard could still be seen with gallows standing (Phansi ghaat). Besides Halani, there is Kandiaro and Meherabpur. As Halani is very historical city, it is given importance as old heritage of Sindh and Mehrab mosque is also on the historical assets.
Mehrab mosque was built by the Sardar Mehrab Khan Jatoi, so it is named after him.
He ordered the labor to build such mosque that has a secret chamber in it. The labor was very creative and skilled so they designed mosque with unbelievable hidden truth.
He ordered to construct two holes, one from right side and one from left side at the Mehrab where Imam stands for prayers.
These holes were indifferent from each other. The secret of those holes was to show the actual date in month of Ramadan. If there was moon of 29 days, it could be seen from hole at right side and if there was moon of 30 days then it could clearly bee seen from the hole at the left side.
So date of Eid ul Fitar could be calculated accurately with the help of these holes.
Mehrab mosque is hundred years old but the out look and appearance is very much recent. The painted work on doors and bricks gives a beautiful view but it is diminishing day by day.
More than fifty people can offer prayer at the mosque. Besides Mehrab mosque, there is a big temple, it looks very old but Mehrab mosque still looks new.
Unfortunately, Mehrab mosque is turning into dust due to negligence by the respective authorities and lack of maintenance.
Hindus come from different areas of world, where as for mosque, no one cares about this heritage.
The locals found a little gold from the clay of prison constructed there, so they thought that there might be more wealth hidden around the holes of Mehrab mosque and they dug it out in curiosity, but found nothing.
To save the Mehrab mosque, we all have to take a stern step to protect and save the heritage of Sindh.
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This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi,
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