By Mehwish Rehman
The world has changed into a global village. Today lots of tools regarding information are like television, newspaper and internet are available. Our generations are much more attracted by these tools and they maintain a mind level of audience.
These informative tools and technologies do facilitate our generation in education. The internet however has become source to build, interact, communicate and disseminate information to masses.
Websites are the latest tool of information and are more successful in approach. They establish online relationship between the students and their studies. Provide an in depth information and interaction.
On the contrary, our new generation responds in a variety of behaviors. Today, our youth regularly watch television and use internet but mostly they use these sources for entertainment not for knowledge. They chat with their friends, talk on cell phones.
It is a true fact that humans need entertainment for relaxation of their mind but just for limited time. Different tools of information available for youngster. They should use these facilities positively and take advantage of them. Only five to ten percent youth use internet as a tool for gathering information and knowledge while majority move towards entertainment.
It can be argued that entertainment has existed since years in the form of parables and fables which promoted social change in our society.
Entertainment decreases ability and knowledge of teenagers and it also impacts on different cultures of communities. Everyone accept their customs and traditions due to which social changes occur in societies which prevail wrong effects.
When we are adolescent, we get to use these informative sources in the school libraries, encyclopedia and parents. All these sources are trusted.
When we grow up, these sources are available in state library, newspaper, television, bookstores and current magazines, but now days; these sources are used negatively by youngsters.
In olden times, there used to be less sources of information so it was much easier to verify the data collected from a specific source, where as now, number of sources and information available on them is so huge that it feels like measuring a giant mountain to verify a small sentence.
Though information has reached at our finger tips but the capacity of people to absorb and acquire that information is not that much which it should have been with the pace of time.
Youth should change its preferences because its need of time to realize that knowledge and information is the thing that can make something while entertainment is not the primary factor.
The habit of book reading should be inculcated among our new generation so that the dominance of entertainment section could be overcome.
No nation can progress with its entertainment or field of amusement. Only exploration of knowledge can make the difference.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
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