By Samar Ahsan
In the age of globalization the world has become a smaller place. The social networking websites are gaining lot of popularity these days and are here to stay among the educated people using one or the other such sites.
Communication has become more effective and easier than ever with the help of such portals. These have played a crucial role in bridging boundaries, crossing the oceans and enabling people around the world to communicate on a common platform.
I am trying to find out the impact of these networking sites on the personal and professional lives of people who use them. It is a very subjective question to answer and is very opinion based. Research has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations and play a critical role in determining the way problems could be solved.
The amount of personal information shared on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Orkut message boards or whatever the social networking flavor of the mouth are some what mind blowing.
It's obvious that the information we share on these sites is kept there for a reason. It's as if we are reaching out to the world, trying to quench that ever present thirst for attention and sense of importance.
These forums can easily be termed as “Virtual Walls” which are interactive platforms for sharing, views and opinion building. The issues discussed on these “Virtual Walls” are mostly argumentative. One important aspect of these websites is discussion forums, blogs and message boards. People are found imposing their views on others as think they are the only intellectuals left on the earth with idiots. I used to participate in discussion forums but there were some people who had difficulty in accepting opinions.
Some were too stubborn, narrow minded and short tempered to actually understand what the facts and common sense might have stated.
These walls are read, written and erased just like graffiti or wall chalking around the world. No one is banned, pushed or accused of whatever they like to post here. People can get away with anything, from aiming brutally at other religions, countries, individuals and culture. Offenders may get punished or may be banned for online forums, but it happens rarely.
In short, people who like themselves tend to show more to the world about themselves. They will try to prove their righteousness and other's wrongfulness strongly, till one surrenders. Attitudes like these are quite common among people.
There is nothing which is not being discussed in these forums. One can find topics from religion to culture, from education to knowledge, politics to terrorism and from homes to ramps.
Nothing is filtered unless the forum's owner or moderator takes responsibility to keep things in control.
Immature brains are prone to such materials which can indulge them in non ethical practices, extremism and uncertainty.
Many topics discussed in forums refer various social behaviors. A forum portrays the ideas, direction and beliefs of majority and even minority of members. One can easily analyze the trends followed and make a hypothetical report about what is psychology of these bloggers.
If you search these groups with phrase “Pakistan”, you will see millions of results. Some may be talking about current events of our country while others would be working to damage somewhat remaining positive reputation. It is quite astonishing that a fine estimation of people eager to settle abroad can be drawn, expressing the hatred and disappointments among commoners.
These forums are providing an outlet for expressing whatever one wishes and hence give a feeling of being heard. Millions of people access them every day and if these forums are managed properly, they can be used as strongest tool to get a positive message across the borders. There is strong need to provide a positive direction, awareness and motivation for a change world demands.
This practical work was carried out under the supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi.
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