Life is all about struggle
Profile of Prof Dr Hafeez ur Rehman Memon
By Salman Lodhi
“Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right. Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel”, these unparalleled words were rolled down in the streams of history by Abraham Lincoln. He asked the teacher of his son to teach him the elegant way of living.
Ages passed on and people kept on coming and going on pages of world. But only few projected the essence of these tremendous words.
Today, few stand apart from this world and posses their own identity. One such person is Professor Doctor Hafeez ur Rehman Memon.
He was born on February 1, 1958 in Diplo district of Tharparkar. It is a vague perception in our country that people living in urban areas can make distinctions in the world but Dr Hafeez proved it and set an example that achievers do not need conditions, they are born to live a life of prominence.
His primary and higher education was from schools of Diplo and Tando Adam respectively. To excel his education for professional career, he opted to do bachelors in Chemical Engineering from Dawood College of Engineering and Technology Karachi.
After completing his formal education up to graduate level, he performed his duties as Apprentice Chemical Engineer, Mehran Sugar Mills Tando Allahyar to earn his living.
Later, he switched his profession to teaching and was appointed as lecturer in Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro.
Though he switched his profession to teaching but being a teacher, his thirst for knowledge never ended.
Therefore, he intended to do Ph.D and did it successfully from University of Leeds, UK in 1996.He also posses additional qualification of Post Doctoral fellowship which he did from University of Leeds, UK in 2002-2003. He offered his duties as visiting professor at Napier University, Edenburough UK.
Today he is serving as Director, Petroleum Engineering at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro.
Having an experience of 25 years in the field of teaching, research, administration and industry, Dr Hafeez has proved himself as one of the successful persons of world.
He is currently affiliated with Pakistan Engineering Council, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health of UK and Institute of Engineering Pakistan.
Dr Hafeez believes in healthy body along with healthy mind. He is fond of badminton and table tennis. In his school days, he used to play football.
He plays chess for mind exercise and walks to keep him hale and hearty. He is gentle and polite in nature.
He opines that it is far honorable to fail than to cheat. He has faith in his own ideas.
He helps students to get internships in industries. He is supervising five PhD students as he is a recognized supervisor by Higher Education Commission.
His recognitions tell the story of his hard work, determination, struggle and finally a triumph life.
He is a symbol of hope for those who believe that we have expertises who are not only expert in their fields of life but are also men of immense rectitude. Weekly Roshni
this is an awsome illustration of perswonality by MR salman Lodhi.
ReplyDeletehmm, u were successful to upload pic, thatz good