APP Sindhi News Service
By Samar Ahsan
I had the privilege of working as an internee at Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) .It began from basics which feels like a drop of water in the ocean. I came to know how a news agency works, assimilate and disseminate the reliable news.
APP is the premier national news agency of Pakistan which was founded in 1910 as subsidiary of Reuters News Agency, but after independence in 1947 it was named as Associated Press of Pakistan (APP).
The government ensured its professional development, financial and administrative strength and took control of it on June 15, 1961. English medium was used as an official language and later its services expanded in Urdu, Arabic, Pashto and Sindhi languages.
APP Hyderabad Station was established in 1950's but only released English and Urdu news. The translators used to convert them into Sindhi for Sindhi print media.
The project for APP Sindhi News Service was proposed in 1995 but due to unfavorable circumstances it could not be processed ahead.
Again in 1998, the Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Senator Nisar Memon felt the need to start Sindhi News Service so that Sindhi newspapers could easily be facilitated.
Later, he formally inaugurated APP Sindhi News Service at Indus Hotel saying “Establishment of Sindhi News Service of APP is an important step, as the message should reach out to the people in their own language.” He highlighted the importance of regional language in his speech.
The charge of Sindhi News Service was given to Chief Reporter Mr Javed Nisar Channa, under the supervision of Radio Retired Deputy Controller, Abdullah Veesar along with two sub-editors and a computer operator. It's been seven years since service in Sindhi language has started.
In September 2005, Javed Channa made efforts to make APP Station a Bureau Office. In the same year Abdullah Veesar, Shakeel Bachani, Imran Patoli and Nisar Sheikh were appointed as sub-editor and reporters. By October 2007, seven more appointments were made including Shahid Ali Panhwar, Ashiq Hussain, Zafar Mangi, Majeed Peerzada, Shaukat Chandio, Sadaf Baloch and Aliya Anjum.
A number of more than 22 daily newspapers are subscribers of Sindhi Service. Some of them are Ibrat, Mehran, Hulchul, Sindh, Koshish, Kawish, Awami Awaz, Hilal e Pakistan, Tameer-e- Sindh, Shaam, Sindhu and many more.
The team of APP was rewarded for its hard work when APP Hyderabad got its recognition as Bureau Office on November 16, 2009. Mr Ghulam Hyder Khokar was appointed as Bureau Chief.
APP aims to ensure timely, fast and efficient flow of information as well as balanced news with professional staff.
Another important feature of the APP professional approach is its extensive monitoring of major local and foreign news channels. The news based on this exercise capture tangible space in the newspapers on perennial basis.
APP Video News Service was formally launched to cater the needs of news channels.
APP has a strong bond of trust with its subscribers. The news agency is playing a leading role by supplying authentic and credible news to the print media round the clock. --- Weekly Roshni
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